About Us

Aqua Xs group (THAILAND) is founded in 2021 with a shared vision of breaking aquarium design limits that truly integrates engineering and aquatic architecture.
Our vision is proven with our successful in regularly working with most well-known collaborator and client in the industrial.

Our acrylic engineer and onsite installation team have successfully accomplished for more than 100 projects in experiences with an international reputation through a commitment as trusted partner.

It’s this reputation that bursts our growth with multiple professional onsite teams working on project around the world. Our acrylic team is now one of the largest in Thailand.

Aqua Xs group THAILAND team comprises both engineer and representatives in various locations.
Mostly to provide local service with swift action. Coordinating and project management with a wide range of skills, working from location Bangkok, China, Seoul, Chennai, Hochimin, Singapore, Italy, Lyon.

Our collective experience and geographical connection means we can deliver the most complex and demanding projects across a range of scales, budgets and locations.